Friday, August 15, 2008


Sorry my life is boring. I have had some comments about not having a new post...So here is a new post and it may not be interesting because nothing has really happened since we got Sadie.

Ok so Sadie and I just moved back to Utah and we are living with my parents. Toby is still in Texas finishing up his summer job. There is also a chance that Toby will continue to stay out there for the extended season. He is doing so well they are wanting him to be a Lead Technician for one of the extended offices. So he may not move to Utah until October. And I bet you can guess how I feel about that....I don't like it!!!

Look what I made!!!! Yeah I'm so proud...ok I had help but whatever!!! Sadie is getting used to it and Dakota LOVES it. If you look closley you can see Dakota in Sadies house!!!
On Monday I start work at the same school as last year, Mountainville Avademy, as a TA. Sadly to say I will not get to be my mom's aid like planned. She was offered a job at another school. This school is not a Charter School, so its a great oppertunity for her. We are really happy for her but I'm going to miss her.
See I told you...I don't have anything interesting to "blog" about!!! But there you go.


  1. YAY! A new post! Finally! Well things are looking pretty good. Except for the fact of being away from your husband. SAD! But hopefully he comes back here soon. Good luck with school starting. It was good to get an update

  2. I just found your blog through your sis's. It's good to see you and hear what you're up to. Awesome to see your dogs and I didn't know your mom isn't going to be teaching at Mtnville. Yadia will be so sad! (my adopted russian niece).

    Keep in touch!!
