Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Jack take 2

Mary and I got to see Jack Johnson AGAIN!!! We were able to see him about 3 years ago and it was fun but this time it was such a blast! They sang some Cat Stevens..who I love! They also played the Devil went done to Bolivia(not Georgia because Zack the piano player was playing his accordian not the fiddle)...that was great. But the highlight was Bubble Toes (my FAVORITE Jack song) Jack was chatty which was different from last time.

So this is Mary and I with Jack in the back. We had so much fun. This is Jack you can see him really well in the picture framy thingys... Funny story: they we starting a song and some guy in the front coulple of rows had yelled "I want my wife to have your baby" and it totally through him off and he couldnt recover so they had to start the whole song over again. It was so funny!!! Jack dedicated the song to the wife it was great!!

Mary and I decided that evertime he is in town we are going to see him. So we now have an amazing tradition!!! GREAT NIGHT!!


  1. Dang it! Second time that I missed Jack Johnson with you! Also, you are the one who really introduced me to his music. Crazy huh? You should tell me next time, I'm there!

  2. Hey Gina! Glad I found your blog. Sorry to hear you're away from Toby. When Chris goes out of town for even a weekend I go crazy, and a week makes me officially insane. So my heart goes out to ya and wish you luck. At least you have your family there! Cute puppy too by the way!
