Tuesday, September 2, 2008

New Job

OK here is the story. I was supposed to be working as my mom's aide in the 4th grade at Mountainville Academy, but one week before school started she got a job offer at another school. This school was a public school, which meant better almost everything. So she took it and that left me to think if I wanted to continue to work at the other school without her. It was a hard decision because THE reason that Toby and I decided to move back to Utah was because of this job at Mountainville. I decided to go and still work for them, but they had hired a new Director and I found that things were different and not in the best way for me. Some of my favorite people I worked with were no longer working there, including my mom. They were only offering 4 hours of work a day...I had been working 6. It wasn't as good as last year but it was ok. I had a good teacher to work with and it was nice. On the first Thursday of school my mom came home and told me that they had a job opening at her school (which just happened to be down the road for Mountainville). On Friday I went to mom's school to talk to them about the job. I was just wanting some information and it ended up being pretty much a job interview. The job was "the computer teacher"...TEACHER. Well technically I would still be an aid so the teacher of each class that came to my computer lab would still have to be in the room but I would run the show. I was pretty excited but I was still not sure if I wanted to move schools. Well in the end, I took the job and I am LOVING it. Tuesdays thru Friday I get to teach computers. It is so much fun. I enjoy working with computers and it also nice to have my mom here. So things are going really well. I'm happy that I made this choice!!!


  1. Its crazy how things work out like that sometimes. Congratulations about your job! I am sure it doesn't even compare to family video, but it will have to do right? Also Happy Birthday!

  2. Thats awesome! Congrats on the new job! Hope it continues to work out well.
    BTW this Saturday is Kourtney's birthday party. I know its tacky to do this on a blog, but I don't have your email address. We hope to see you there!
