Thursday, September 18, 2008

Toby's Surprise

Sorry no pictures but its a good story. One night I was trying to access my bank web site so make sure I was all caught up. But I couldn't get on. I called Toby and he told me that he was trying to get on and forgot the password so it locked him out. That was a bit odd because he NEVER goes on there. Later that night Toby called and asked if my dad wanted any security equipment for his house or the cabin we were building up in Scofield. I started to get curious because he wasn't schedualed to come home for another week and a half and he was wanting to know so that he could go and get it. Again I was getting very curious what he was up to. Late that night I called Toby to say good-night. He was out and about and that was not normal. He said that him and Jordan wanted a mid-night snack. The the really big mystery was that as we were saying bye Toby said to call him in the morning. Uh yeah like Toby would be up at 7 in the morning? All of this really got me thinking "Maybe he is on his way home!!!"

The next morning I did call him and he was really awake! Not normal. Evertime I called him that day he was in the car and he "said" he was on his way to jobs everytime. I was starting to get really excited and I was really getting my hopes up. It was so bad that my mom asked me to go to her class to help her and I was thinking that Toby might be there...he wasn't. I didn't tell anyone that I thought that he was coming just in case i jynxed it. But I was about to explode. So I went to my old job and talked to my friend Mandy and I told her all about my suspiscions. She started to get all excited too. But we then calmed ourselves and I tryed not to think about it. So I went home and tryed to drown myself in TV to distract myself and get the time to pass as fast as possible. So I was in my room playing on the computer when Dakota started to bark!!! Oh man my heart started to pound and I got so...pumped! I looked out my window as best as I could with it all stained from the sprinklers. wasn't him...:( I think that almost everyone in the ward for some reason stopped by. So every 2 min my heart was pumping at the speed of ...a fast pumping heart. So you can bet that trying to get to sleep was almost impossible. Then at about 11 o'clock at night my door opens and I said hey (thinking it was my dad) but no it was TOBY!! I don't think I have ever given someone a longer hug. Even though I was on to him it was still such a great surprise and I am so happy to have him home. I missed him so much and now I can FINALLY sleep at night!!!

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