Thursday, November 11, 2010

Russell's first food.

Here are the pictures of Russell's first food...I think it was banana.  He has had several other things but he still makes the same face!! It's so funny.

 The next time I gave him food I tried sweet potatoes and I added a lot more pumped milk so it would taste a little bit more familiar but he still id not a big fan.

 Lately I have been just giving him a little bit of what I am having.  SAME FACE.

 I don't know why this irritates me so much but Toby is way better at feeding Russell.  He is so clean when he is done.  But as soon as I get in there he is a mess.  I have way more baby feeding experience.  I really need to get over it because I love that Toby is such a natural...with some things.
The newest idea is to steam the sweet potatoes and then chop them up nice and small...then I just put them on the tray.  Russell can then just play and put it in his mouth and I don't have to worry about feeding him while I am starving and it is his favorite that he can put in his mouth and that I am not frustrated when I find it in his diaper.


  1. HA HA, I love that face he is making and I love love love how huge that chair looks with him in it ! I miss those little big eyes of his !!! COME BACK I MISS YOU !!!!!

  2. That is a GREAT picture as your header!!!! I hope you have that framed! Gosh what a stinkin' cutie pie!!!!
