Friday, April 6, 2012

Russell's 2nd Birthday

OH MY GOSH!! MY BABY IS 2!!! I love being this boys mom!!
I didn't have a place for this picture but it was cute enough that I had to stick it somewhere.  I love him in a suit. 
Ok so birthday time.  This boy was all smiles this day.  The picture on the left is at breakfast, the picture on the right is when Russell was helping make his birthday cake with Grammy at night.
I didn't like the pictures of the football cake but this video was AMAZING! (Unfortunately it didn't load the video.  LAME! I will keep trying and let you know when it is available because it is super cute!)
"football cake"  He is still talking about football cake 3 days later.
I didn't have anything big planned for the day.  I just wanted to do things that Russell wanted to do.  So we had a yummy breakfast, we went to the park then played at Grammy and Granddad's house (his favorite play place).  That was it.  No big party, no big plans just simple fun.  It was a great turn out.
Birthday present. "FOOTBALL"
Granddad teaching Russell how to golf.
Daddy teaching too.
He was just so happy all day.  What a great thing to see as a mom.  Your boy happy all day on his birthday.
After he played with his birthday presents (soccer ball, football and the golf clubs) it was time for an ATV ride.  He had SO much fun out there with Granddad.  He is a veteran on the ATV and LOVES going FAST!  They actually go REALLY fast.

Then it was time for the swing.  Once he is on the swing there is no getting him off.  One day I had to just walk away and leave him there because he wouldn't get off.  You can pick him up off the swing because he has a death grip on the rope.  After I got to the fence he got off but I think it was because the swing stopped moving.
We were just talking about how Russell likes to go really high on the swing.  He will yell "hi-er hi-er".  Then all of the sudden he is flying in the air (not on the swing I should add) right at me, Toby and my mom.  He was holding on to the part of the rope that slid down the main rope. So his grip was on a moving piece of rope.  He landed on the grass (nice and soft somehow) face down, slid on his head in horse poop an landed at our feet.  The three of us just stood there staring at him face down at our feet not quite sure what happened.  Toby finally broke the trance and picked up the poop baby.  He was crying, not a hurt cry just a scared cry.  He had to have had some birthday angels watching over him because he really could have been severely hurt.  He wanted Granddad and just needed a hug then he was all smiles again.  You can see his green smudge on his head where he slid in the picture above.  He didn't want to get back on the swing but he was ready for another ride on the ATV.
Grammy took him for a ride and I think it was my mom's first time riding alone on the ATV.  
She was telling us that Russell kept telling her to "GO" while they were driving.  I guess he was not happy about how slow she was going. 
He was ready for Granddad to take him once they got back.  Later he did get back on the swing.
That's my boy getting back on the horse.  He is one tough kid.

I am just so glad that he had a good day.  We went on a walk and I asked him how is birthday was going.  Russell replied "HAPPY"  what a great reward for a mommy who loves her boy to pieces.  I wanted this day to be special but didn't have the means to plan a big party.  I learned that sometimes bigger isn't better.  What a successful 2nd birthday for my boy.

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