Sunday, April 25, 2010

Uncle Keith's Visit

Just a funny picture of Angel putting his binkie buddie on his head! Silly Angel.

Toby's best friend Keith came to visit from Georgia!! Sadly Toby had more work that week then he planned. So while Toby was at a job Keith, Russell and I went to temple square. It was so warm and beautiful!!

Keith and floppy head.

After Toby's job's were done we were all really hungry so we went to In-N-Out. Keith hasn't had it since his mission.

Russell and his In-N-Out hat. We took Russell to In-N-Out for the first time a couple of days after he was born!

We went for a little walk to some waterfalls in Provo canyon. It was kinda cold so we didn't take a long walk, but it was really pretty!

The boys!!

It went from about 70 degrees to snowing within Keith's 4ish day trip. So it got cold and Russell and Keith cuddled.

I was about to go to bed when I looked over and Russell was holding on to Toby's arm. It was so cute!!

I love this boy!

1 comment:

  1. We LOVE Uncle Keith, isn't that cool our kids will both have him as an uncle.... I am so JEALOUS that "Uncle Keefers" got to hold my CUTEST NEPHEW ever before me.... but that is OK he looks like he can handle all the lovin' in the world. You two make a BEAUTIFUL BOY!!!! Toby I am moved to tears every time see you with your son. I am so proud of you. And Gina you PERFECT for my brother, thanks for hanging in there with this crazy family. LOVE YOU LOTS!!!!!!
    hugs and soft kisses,
    Auntie Holly
