Thursday, June 23, 2011


Here are a bunch of pictures from a long time ago all the way til last week or so.
 This was taken the week before Landon was born.  About a year ago.  Both girls have grown up so much.  I have mixed feelings about that!
 This is a more recent picture.  
 He is such a ham.
 Russell found Alaina's cup of milk with oreo's in it
 He was such a mess.
 He slipped and fell!!! I was laughing but he was crying!!
 He can now climb out of the tub...not a good thing.
 Cute little boy. (Thanks Matuauto's for the outfit!) LOVE it!
This is how this kid eats.  He just stuffs it ALL in his mouth!!
These are SO old. But he is really cute.  He looks like such a baby here.  Now he looks like a boy.  It is going so fast but I am having a blast!
These kids were just sitting here with their arms around each other.  This was not staged.  I LOVE Russell's happy face here.
Russell is showing Toby how to build a dog house.  I think I have posted this before but I just LOVE it.
At the risk of waking a sleeping baby I had to get a picture of a common sleeping position for Russell.  Check out the foot.  I wish my baby monitor had a record button.  I would capture his BEST stuff.
Russell likes lasagna.
Ryker had this lovely outfit on under his jeans.  Toby thought it would be funny to hog tie Russell.  Russell seemed to like it too...for a little while.

1 comment:

  1. He is such a little handsom boy, growing up way tooooooo fast.
