Saturday, October 8, 2011

Estelle's Baby Shower

My SUPER awesome friend Estelle had a baby this summer.  Her cousin, Jasmine, and I decided to through her a baby shower.  Nothing big.  We had lunch at Mimi's Cafe.  It was loads of fun.
 The girls.
 Estelle had a baby girl at home!
 Her name is Cosette.  This is a super cute onesie that Jasmine made for her
 It was a good thing that we had this lunch that Saturday because I think Cosette was born the following Tuesday.
 Jasmine and Estelle.  Estelle doesn't look 9 months pregnant does she?
Here she is.  Sweet Cosette.  She looks just like both of Estelle's other two girls (who look very little alike)  It is weird but so cute!

Congratulations Estelle!!! LOVE YOU!

1 comment:

  1. Very nice pictures! This reminded me of my baby shower. It was in a beautiful event venue and my friends arranged everything amazingly. There were games too. I am sure this party would also have been amazing. Congratulations to the mom-to-be. I am going to share this post with all my friends.
