Thursday, August 11, 2011

Catching up to Russell

So here are a bunch of random pictures:
Russell likes to put his food in his hair.
And his face.
Love his smile.
How could this not put you in a good mood?
This is actually supposed to go over your sink but we were cleaning and Russell found another use.
I turned on the shower to let it warm up and I went to put my cloths in the basket and came back to a wet fully clothed baby.
HA I am laughing just remembering this day.  He looks sad but he was having a blast.
He woke up with a hand print on his chest.  This is a common occurrence.
He lays on his hands I guess.
He is so cute!
So big.
"Can I try?"
He is just chillin in his chair.
I didn't pose him at all.  He was just sitting like this.
Swimming day. Well more like stand in the pool then get out and play then get back in the pool just to stand there again.
Oh this was so funny. We have a bag of DI stuff and he would go get a shirt and put it on his head and walk around the room.  This was the first time that he actually ran into something.  He was doing this in the kitchen when my parents were over for lunch and rammed into the wall.  I was literally on the floor crying with laughter.
Sick day.  It started with Russell sitting in his high chair and puking like crazy.  So here he is cuddling with daddy.
Trying to eat some breakfast.
Ryker was over and Russell started to feel a little better later in the day.  Then all he wanted to do was hang out with Ryker.
He brought me my shirt and was making the sign for shoes so I assumed it meant that he wanted to wear it.  Now he will bring me all kind of thing to dress him in.  Yesterday I asked him to go get his shoes and he came back with my church shoes.  And then he attempted to put them on.
Mowing the lawn with daddy.
One of Russell's favorite toys.
I have no idea what he was so excited about but it is cute.
I love happy faces.
I guess the dogs were entertaining that day.
Russell has been having a hard time with sleeping and stiff recovering from being sick.  He fell asleep in my arms.  When he woke up I sat up and he fell asleep again like this.  He slept FOREVER!
There is a bean in his belly button.  He gets raisins in there a lot too. 
Finally he likes watermelon.  It took us forever to get him to even try it.


  1. I believe Russell's favorite toy is also a favorite of others! (Glad it is well-made since adults even like to use it!)

  2. Gina--he is sooo cute! And he is getting so big! So very handsome and happy! Love it!
