Thursday, August 11, 2011

Russell is a cleaning machine and the park

So whenever I get all the stuff out to clean the floor I always have a little thief taking my bloom or mop.
But hey I'll take it.
These are all different days and I don't even ask him he just grabs it and know's what to do.
AND he has a smile on his face.
This is one of the reasons that I am cleaning the floor so much.  Do you see how far he through his food.  That isn't even the furthest.  He will through his food all the way to the fridge.
So I decided to take out some of the extensions off the Swiffer and now it is just the right size for him.  So when I clean I grab his broom too and we clean together.  So cute right?

The park.  For some reason we haven't really taken Russell to the park.  So Toby just happened to be home and we decided to make the best of having daddy home.
Russell was not a big fan of the swings.
He did like the slide more.  But it was just about dinner time and he was tired so he would get grumpy fast.  That kid really needs a lot of sleep and food.

1 comment:

  1. ha ha ! Oh Gina that's so funny that he can toss his food so far. But you teaching to help clean ! that's so great !!!
